Table of Contents

Contributing Quick Start


We use the Fork-Rebase workflow for our PR's

Install Supporting Software



Homebrew installation documentation

Install homebrew with the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Go installation documentation

Install Go with the following command:

brew install go


TinyGo installation documentation

Install TinyGo with the following command:

brew tap tinygo-org/tools
brew install tinygo

Github CLI

Github CLI installation documentation

Install Github CLI with the following command:

brew install gh

Initial Repo Pull

  1. Run the following to get the repository onto your machine:
    set -k
    mkdir -p ~/code
    cd ~/code
    # Fork the repo
    gh repo fork zachary-walters/cultivate-finance
  2. Update the main branch:
    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  3. Re-familiarize yourself with our branch naming conventions
  4. Create a feature branch:
    git checkout -b feature/<title-of-the-feature-branch>
    git push origin feature/<title-of-the-feature-branch>

Raising a Pull Request

Updating forked repository

Make sure your forked repo is up to date with the upstream repository:

set -k 
git remote add upstream zachary-walters/cultivate-finance
git checkout main
git pull upstream
git merge upstream/main
git push

Prepare your branch for a PR:

git checkout feature/<name-of-your-branch>
git merge main
# resolve any merge conflicts at this point
git push

Raising the PR

  1. Login to github's website
  2. Navigate to your forked repository
  3. Open a new Pull Request
  4. Ensure the “base” branch is set to the main branch of the upstream repository
  5. Confirm the “compare” branch is set to your feature branch
  6. Provide Details:
    1. Use our PR Description Guide for reference
    2. Fill in a descriptive title for your pull request.
    3. Write a detailed description, including the purpose of your changes and any relevant information.
  7. Add Reviewers
    1. At the moment, Zachary Walters should be a reviewer on all incoming changes.